
Lina Kostenko, Wings

Lina Kostenko, Wings                                        Ліна Костенко, "Крила"
But also true winged soil is not necessary. 

Earth is not, it will be heaven.

No field, it will be done.
No steam, it will cloud.

This is probably true bird ...
But what about the man? And what about the man?

He lives on the ground. I do not fly.
A wing has. A wing has!

They are the wings, not down, now, "I
And of truth, virtue and trust "me.                                                                                  
Ліна Костенко (1930)

Who - with fidelity in love.
Who - with eternal aspirations.

Who - with sincerity to work.
Who - with generosity to care.

Who - the song, or hope,
Or with poetry, or dreams.

Man allegedly does not fly ...
A wing has. A wing has!
Translated by John Weir,